Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Storyboard Sketches for 8 Panels

Scene 1 - Julie was still crying on the couch.

Scene 2 - Sound of movement outside her door.
Scene 3 - Singer's ears went up as he
ran to toward the window.

Scene 4 - She jumped from the couch with eyes wide open.

Scene 5 - Before she realized,
his tail was wagging.

Scene 6 - She heard him call
through the door.

Scene 7 - She moved toward the door and
quickly removed the chair.

Scene 8 - As soon as she opened it, Mike
looked at her before glancing toward the ground.

In this assignment we had a few different set dialogues to choose from to draw out 8 panels for a storyboard.  When I drew these, I was thinking more about the shots to tell the story.  For example, on scene 2, I wanted to show just the foot to emphasize on the sound of creaking.

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